5 Ways to Play with Lush Ava

This remote-controlled vibrator is action-packed! The Lush Ava wearable vibrator stimulates the G-spot and clitoris, is remote controllable, and can enhance partnered sex or be fun during self-pleasure. As a couples sex toy, it’s designed to fit into penetration—to stimulate both partners. But it’s also fantastic for steaming up your foreplay and solo play. Here are a few ways we […]

Better Ways to Orgasm Without Penetration

Q: “I am looking to find better ways to make my partner orgasm without vaginal penetration. Can you help?” A: There are many routes to pleasure besides penetration. Exploring what you and your partner enjoy can open up many new pleasure and orgasmic possibilities! Goal-oriented sex can put a lot of pressure on all partners, and it’s helpful to focus […]

Why Are There So Many Kinds of Vibrators?

Q: “Why are there so many kinds of vibrators and which one is the best?” A: Vibrators are different because people are different! There’s no one “right” or “best” kind of vibrator—or any sex toy, or any sex act—because everybody has a slightly unique set of preferences. Plus it’s fun to change up your routine by trying new kinds of […]

Best Toys for Couples Play

Illustration by Charlie Bourdeau Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If you are partnered up and looking for some new toys to play with, here are some toys that are perfect for two! For Experimenting Couples Try a remote controlled vibrator… such as the Lush Ava Velvet! Remote controlled toys are fun because either partner can be in charge […]

Blush U: G Spot & Squirting Class

In case you couldn’t make it to our live class, we uploaded it to YouTube! Be sure to RSVP for upcoming events! Ducky DooLittle teaching Blush U: G Spot & Squirting Products Showcased in Class: G Spot Toys Sexy Things G Slim Noje G Slim Rechargeable Pronounced Corona & Curved Dildos Ruse Shimmy Avant P2 True Blue Avant D4 Sexy […]